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Written at Monday, April 10, 2006 | back to top

I've been reading Russell Lee's True Singapore Ghost Stories no#13 this afternoon....

so far..the stories are still okie.. no really scary ones...but quite a few touching ones... but i found 1 interesting chapt though..'Russell Lee Investigates:life after death'..... seems that he really did a lot of research to convince readers on this issue.. i didn't even know that there's quite a few famous artistes who brush through death before.... and nearly all these people have the same experience: going through a tunnel or seeing bright lights...

but not everyone is that 'lucky' to see the bright lights' one guy who tried to commit suicide described that what he saw was not bright lights but a dungeon or pirson like place... brrr... guess it's like a punishment for those who ddi not cherish their life...

every matter what it is.. believes that you reap for what you sow.. what goes around comes around....